Renters Insurance, Lenoir, NC

We are happy to help you understand what renters insurance is all about.

If you have an apartment or rent a home in the Lenoir, North Carolina area, you should know that the owner of the property is only responsible for carrying insurance that covers the dwelling itself. Your belongings are not covered under their insurance policy. If it would pose a financial hardship to need to replace some or all of your furniture, clothing, décor, and other belongings, the wise course of action is to have a renters insurance policy. It might surprise you just how affordable it is to have peace of mind that you won’t have to start all over if vandalism, theft, fire, flood, or another disaster destroyed what you own.

Renters Insurance in Lenoir, North Carolina

At Better Choice Insurance, we are happy to help you understand what renters insurance is all about and put together quotes for you from leading insurance companies that we work with. We choose companies that are known for excellent claims services and financially stability, so you can rest assured that even a natural disaster won’t leave you without the means to start over with new things. We take the time to explain to you what is covered and what isn’t, as well as go over all your rights and responsibilities regarding renters insurance. Our goal is to leave you with no unanswered questions so you can make an informed choice about the coverage that will work best for your situation.

If you would like to know more about the benefits of renters insurance and how much it would cost to obtain this important insurance coverage, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.