How Much Home Insurance Do I Need?

HomeBlogHow Much Home Insurance Do I Need?

When it comes to your home, it is more than just a place to sleep. Your home is a place where your most precious belongings are, where memories are made, and where you come home to every day– so make sure you are protecting it with the right type and proper amount of home insurance coverage. One of the most common questions that we get about home insurance is how much home insurance a couple or individual needs for their property. We have a few tips that can help ensure that you are getting the proper amount for your home insurance.

How Much Home Insurance Do I Need?

One of the first things you need to figure out is how much it would cost to rebuild your home. If a fire, tornado, earthquake or some kind of natural disaster came by tomorrow and demolished your home beyond repair, what would the cost be to rebuild it as it is? That is a number that you need to know and one that experts in insurance can help you attain.

Second, you will need to think about improvements that have been made to your home or will need to be made to your home. Older homes can be rebuilt in their same footprint, but they will need to be rebuilt with current code requirements, which can cost more money. Keep this in mind when you are looking at that rebuilding number.

Finally, you’ll want to consider things like personal property and liability coverage as well. Your home insurance is more than insurance to rebuild your home– you’ll also need to cover everything inside the home, too.

If you are thinking about your home insurance, our team here at All American Insurance Brokerage would love to help! Give us a call today and let us help you find the proper amount of coverage for your home insurance needs.