How to Avoid Home Insurance Claims

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The purpose of carrying home insurance is so that you don’t experience a financial hardship should something happen. However, you do hope that you will never need to file a claim because it means your home has become damaged in some way. The good news is that there are steps that you can take to avoid home insurance claims. Here are the most common claims and how you can avoid them.

How to Avoid Home Insurance Claims

  • Damage from heavy snow or rain- There is nothing you can do to change the weather, but you can protect your home from damage that may result from it. Removing snow from the roof if it is getting heavy enough to damage it, keeping the gutters and downspouts clear of debris, and paying attention to other drainage issues on your property can all help you avoid a home insurance claim.
  • Damage from high wind- Again, weather isn’t controllable, but you can plan for the inevitable. A good way to reduce damage from high winds is to take good care of your trees. Have dead limbs removed and keep branches trimmed back away from the roof. When you know a storm is coming, secure outdoor items that could become wind-blown missiles. Keeping up with roof maintenance is also important.
  • Theft loss- Criminals look for the easiest targets, so take steps to look less attractive to them. Install security lighting, keep your vehicles locked so your garage door opener can’t be taken and used, install a security system, and lock all doors and windows when leaving the house.
  • Plumbing water damage- To avoid a home insurance claim for water damage, consider a regular review of all appliances with water supply lines or drain hoses. You should also replace an aging water heater and install a sensor to alert you of an issue, giving you time to react. A plumbing inspection is also advisable for older homes.
  • Damage from fire- Consider the various risks of fire at your home. If you have a wood-burning stove, take steps to avoid creosote buildup and be careful when tending it. Reduce the risk of a kitchen fire by handling grease carefully and keep flammables away from the stove. Take care with candles both in where you place them and in staying nearby when they are lit.
  • Claim for personal injury- A common home insurance claim is slip and fall accidents. You can avoid these by keeping walkways clear. Take care of any maintenance tasks that could put an invited guest or delivery person at risk.
  • Damage from electrical fire- Have your electrical system inspected regularly to avoid an electrical fire. Don’t overload outlets and avoid dependence on power strips and extension cords. Take care to keep your home free of rodents that might chew on wiring.

If you would like to discuss home insurance for your Lenoir, North Carolina home to be sure you have the right coverage for your situation, give us a call at All American Insurance Brokerage. We will be happy to help you have peace of mind that if you do need to file a claim, it will work out just fine. Call today to learn more.